Adam Sandler Brought Back Opera Man To Sing About The News On ‘SNL’ Weekend Update

For his first SNL in 24 years, Adam Sandler went almost impressively light on busting out old characters. Indeed, there was an entire sketch where the current cast members (and a few name ringers) did them for him. Still, it was inevitable that he’d change that up for Weekend Update. After all, back in Sandler’s day, that was where you were very likely to see Sandler either doing a goofy voice or singing some goofy song.

So which Sandler did we get? Opera Man! Sandler’s beloved fake wigged crooner who takes on the news with his pidgin Italian. It was another Opera Man epic, with him taking on Game of Thrones, the Kentucky Derby, James Harden, and our political hellscape.

“Where did Barr go?/He’s no show/Check every single/Wendy’s,” he sang about the nation’s elusive Attorney General. He took on Trump: “Trumpa dumpa/Trumpa dumpa/I play-a the golf/And they take-a the fall,” he said, alluding to his many, many fired/disgraced employees. “They afraid to impeach/I get to make-a the wall/And Putin makes me beetch.”

Opera Man went to the other side of the aisle, too, to take on Joe Biden. “Grope-a grope-a/Sniffa sniffa/Young or old-a/Makes no diffa/Joe, for this you won’t go far/To win the White House you need to bang a porn star-o.”

Opera Man also took umbrage with the new rom-com Long Shot, in which Seth Rogen romances Charlize Theron. He looked at this film about a slovenly slacker getting it on with someone well outside his league, prompting him to ask “Where have I seen this before?”, as we got images from Sandler’s own rom-coms, featuring him looking lovey-dovey at the likes of Drew Barrymore and Jennifer Aniston.

Opera Man ended it on a bittersweet note: “So very long since I been around-a/25 years and 25 pounds-ah.”