So, the Tonys Happened.

I’ve got nothing against Broadway or musical theater, but I’m just not the right audience for the Tony Awards, which aired last night while I was tuned into “Game of Thrones” and the deciding game of the NBA Finals. But my flamboyant internet friends tell me that Neil Patrick Harris once again did an excellent job as host, and I wanted to post a couple of videos from the show to acknowledge his talent and charm. The Tonys may have a niche audience, but other awards shows could take some cues on how to conduct a live show. (Step 1: MORE GAYS!)

“Good evening, I’m teen heartthrob Neil Patrick Harris.”

Ah, I do enjoy a good “top/bottom” innuendo.

Neil Patrick Harris closes the show with some slam poetry that was written during the show by Lin-Manuel Miranda and Tommy Kail. NPH is the best gay rapper since Eazy-E. What? Not gay? Oh, sorry. I just assumed, because, you know… never mind.

(via Vulture)