All The ‘Sons Of Anarchy’ Casting And Prequel News You Can Handle

There have been drips and drabs of Sons of Anarchy news over the last month or so, so I thought we’d round up all the bits and bobs in one post, three months ahead of the sixth season. Foremost, over the weekend, Kurt Sutter talked about the Sons of Anarchy prequel he’s mentioned from time to time, saying that if it happened, it wouldn’t happen until a year or two after the series ended, which is expected to happen in 2014, after its seventh season. He says that, should it happen, he doesn’t know if it will be a 10 or 13-episode one-shot season, or if it will be an ongoing series, though he does expect that it would air on FX.

Speaking of season six, in a tweet last month, Sutter said that the forthcoming season would be its most bloody and violent yet. We also know that the title of the season premiere will be “Straw.” That’s vague and unhelpful.

We also know that Donal Logue’s character, Lee Toric, is expected to be their best villain yet, according to Sutter, who talked about how Toric is able to straddle the line between cop and crook. “He’s probably the most dangerous adversary they’ve ever had in terms of his access to law enforcement information, yet he doesn’t necessarily have to follow all those rules,” he explained.

Sutter has also begun beefing up the Sons of Anarchy cast with several guest roles. First up, The Shield’s CCH Pounder joins the cast for a multi-episode arc as a San Joaquin County District Attorney who runs head first into the area’s violent biker ways. Beauty and The Beast’s Bridget Regan will have a minor-episode arc as a hooker. C. Thomas Howell — who was great on Southland — will play another law enforcement type on SoA, and Steve Howey from Shameless will join as the series for a guest arc as a fellow biker. Finally, Kim Dickens (Treme) is joining the cast as a madame whose ambition will intersect with professional companionators Jax (Charlie Hunnam) and Nero (Jimmy Smits).