SyFy Uses St. Patrick’s Day To Tease Their New Crack At A ‘Leprechaun’ Movie

The Leprechaun franchise isn’t exactly the pinnacle of horror filmmaking, but you could certainly do worse for a campy collection of horror films to watch while completely sh*thoused. As a special St. Patrick’s Day treat (or threat, depending on how you feel about the series), SyFy busted out the gold and showed off a teaser promising the return of Leprechaun. Someone please warn Garth Algar.

A new installment is on the way for 2019 dubbed Leprechaun Returns and presumably has little to do with the pseudo-reboot attempted a few years back with former WWE star Hornswoggle in the titular role. The new installment takes place 25 years after the original with the villain being revived by a collection of sorority girls.

Sadly, Warwick Davis isn’t involved in the TV movie, but the upcoming offering has a much more enticing behind-the-scenes touch than you’d might expect. (In particular with SyFy’s fondness for Sharknados.) Astron-6 filmmaker Steven Kostanski (who helmed The Void) has been tapped to direct and Ash vs Evil Dead writer Suzanne Keilly is the one penning the picture. There will be someone returning from the 1993 original, though. Mark Holton is coming back to reprise his role of Ozzie from the first movie. Let the letter writing campaign to weasel Jennifer Aniston into a cameo begin now!

Leprechaun Returns is set to emerge in 2019. Even if you’re St. Patrick’s Day is going insanely well, please know you aren’t hallucinating this.