According to CNN Money, my go-to source for all news items related to former “Strangers with Candy” stars:
In late March, Stephen Colbert expanded his super PAC [which raises money from businesses and individual people, and can then be spent to advocate for or against a political candidate] experiment, admonishing his late-night viewers to start organizations of their own on colleges across America.
They listened, and now the Federal Election Commission’s roster of approved super PACs is filled with groups registered to addresses in college towns. (Via)
The article highlights Why Not ZoidPAC?, a reference to everyone’s favorite Jewish crustacean, Dr. Zoidberg from “Futurama,” which was created by an MIT freshman and has currently raised all of $0. Other Super PACs, according to Open Secrets, that toe the line between sincerity and irony and have received exactly no financial contributions include Dogs Against Romney, Americans for More Rhombus, Joe Six PAC, Now If You’ll Excuse Me I’m Going to PAC Off Now, Bears for a Bearable Tomorrow, Brady Bunch PAC, and “Howard Stern Fans for a Baba Booey Tomor.” Only one of those isn’t real — see if you can guess which!