Tatiana Maslany Finally Won A Best Actress Emmy For Her Clone Work On ‘Orphan Black’

After years of being nominated and being robbed by other (always well-deserving) nominees, Tatiana Maslany won the Best Lead Actress in a Drama Series Emmy on Sunday and the Clone Club finally got what it’s wanted since Orphan Black debuted. The actress laid a big kiss on current boyfriend Tom Cullen when her name was announced and proceeded to go on stage to accept the award in a gracious, if unsurprisingly shocked, manner.

Of course, the internet went absolutely nuts with the win because even though Orphan Black may be at a critically mixed stage of its life, the show and Maslany’s performance will always have a multitude of fans online. Plus, anybody who can pull off more than half a dozen performances of completely varied, complicated, and truthful characters (even if they’re clones) deserves many times the excitement of almost any other winning actor or actress of the night.

It was definitely one of the biggest shocks of the show, and a great one at that.



Of course, even Maslany’s wish-fulfillment win couldn’t happen without a bit of “Adele Dazeemin’ing” by presenter Keifer Sutherland.


And if you are thinking that the Academy should have been paying attention and rewarding Maslany all the way back in Season one for her work on the show, you’re not alone.
