Hold The Phone, Could ‘The Critic’ Be Coming Back To TV?

It’s hard to hold back the excitement, but The Critic could potentially be coming back to television. Now, according to Live 105, this is a massive “if,” but the good news is it’s being brought up consistently and everyone who would be involved wants to do it.

We’d all love to see Jay Sherman’s return to the screen and see him bash movies, but there’s a pretty big holdup: co-creator Al Jean. Jean, who is currently basking in Simpsons glory does “not want to give up his day job” and we don’t blame him. That’s a sweet gig. But Lovitz is onboard and told Kevin Klein of Live 105 that he is game:

“I would love for that to come back. I would do it in a second.”

And yes, Mr. Jean has a great job right now, but he has also expressed interest in reviving the cult classic:

“We actually have been, just preliminarily, trying to think of a way we could get someone else to do it full-time”, he admitted. “I would love it to come back.”

It’s unfortunate that Jean is so damn talented, right? But, we have a feeling more will come of these rumblings, as they just need to find a showrunner. Because we all know that this series was spectacular and deserves a better revival than DVD!

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(Via CBS Local / Live 105)