Now THIS Is How You Shamelessly Sell Sex to Pander to Emmy Voters

Ballots for the Emmy nominations are due tomorrow. If you’ve been paying attention at all to the Emmy contest this year, you may have noticed how shameless the contenders have become. A few For Your Consideration Ads — like Conan O’Brien’s — are using humor to convince the Emmy voters to nominate them. A few others, like Naya Rivera in “Glee,” are really reaching. I mean, come on?
What’s really surprising, however, is how hard some contenders are selling sex to procure a nomination. Last week, we featured Padma Lakshmi’s For Your Consideration Ad, and the messsage was basically, “I WILL LET YOU LICK CHOCOLATE OFF MY BODY IF YOU NOMINATE ME.”
It was not subtle. So in the spirit of that For Your Consideration Ad, I mocked up 10 others (including Allison Williams, above), which aren’t that much more shameless than Padma Lakshmi’s “Lick Me” campaign. Enjoy.