Tracy Morgan Talked Sharks And Knowing Mitt Romney In High School, Was His Usual Glorious Talk Show Self On Letterman

This may be considered blasphemy by some, but I think Tracy Morgan has just surpassed Norm MacDonald as my favorite talk show guest. The comedy they bring to the couch is apples and oranges so it doesn’t really make sense to compare the two other than to give me a nice clean opening line to this post, but that’s the way I’m leaning right now. Call it recency effect. Because last night Tracy Morgan went full Tracy Morgan on Letterman.

I assume the 30 Rock star dropped by Letterman to talk up the terrible looking movie he’s in that the studio is pretty much releasing in secret, but luckily it never really came up and instead he and Dave chatted about his ginormous shark tank that was formerly maintained by a Spanish dude, knowing Mitt Romney in high school, and assorted wonderful nonsense. All while Tracy sported an American flag polo and Letterman delivered perfect amused/incredulous straight man, reigning Morgan in at just right moments.

Key words and phrases to be on the look out for: Butt dials, how Tracy spends his summer, school lunch, and Tracy Jr. You’ll never be more convinced the dude has officially become Tracy Jordan.

Reflecting on his early years with “Mini” Mitt Romney…

Mitt totally ate school lunch.