‘True Detective’ Season 2 Will Have FOUR Main Characters Now

The rumor mongers have been rumor mongering about the second season of True Detective for months now, with everyone from Brad Pitt to Jessica Chastain attached to star, according to some website you’ve never heard of that has “high-ranking sources at HBO.” Unless of course you believe the other website you’ve barely heard of that claims the season will center on two female characters, or the guy who works at Panera who knows a guy who Knows A Guy who says Matthew McConaughey is “definitely on-board to return as Special Agent Rusty Cone.”

That’s why it’s nice to finally have some real, legit information on the show from the mouths of the horses who actually know. Specifically, showrunner Nic Pizzolatto, who said in a Q&A with the Daily Beast today that the new season will be set in California and feature FOUR main characters…

You said at the time that Season 2 would center around three main characters. Is that still the case?

That ballooned a little bit. I would say there are four central roles.

Are any of them women?

You’ll have to wait and see.

… and HBO President Michael Lombardo, who told us that those casting announcements will be coming down real soon.

The first two scripts for Season 2 of True Detective are even more exciting than the ones for the first season, and some castings will likely be announced in the next week, HBO programming president Michael Lombardo says.

So, there you have it. Four main characters announced next week. Now let’s all get back to speculating wildly. Here, I’ll start.