TV GIFs Of The Week (And The Best Of Arya Stark)

IS IT SUNDAY, MARCH 31TH YET? Oh wait, it is. Yay! Game of Thrones is BACK. Not that anyone was really worried, but tonight’s episode is excellent. It’s the same show as before, just with higher production values (the dragons look SO REAL), slightly snappier dialogue, and an improved, more focused season-long story. The only thing missing: Arya Stark, at least in episode one. But lest you worry, her A Storm of Swords (the book that season three and part of season four will cover) story is stellar…so it’s pretty much like every Arya story.

Today’s GIFs of the Week is dedicated to the daughter of Ned and Catelyn, adopted mother of Nymeria, proud owner of Needle, loyal friend to Gendry and Hot Pie, and former-cupbearer to Tywin, Arya Stark.

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