TV GIFs Of The Week (And The Best Of Megan Draper)

Posts about Megan Draper typically fall into one of two categories: 1) How to Dress Like Megan Draper, and 2) Megan Draper: 17 Reasons Why She’s a Bitch. I’m not interested in wearing short skirts and floppy hats, nor do I hate her; I like Megan because, among other reasons, she highlighted just how out of touch with the times the Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce team is. They’re a bunch of Bing Crosbys in a Beatles world, especially Mr. Don Draper. And yet, she’s not completely unlike them, either; her “Zou Bisou Bisou” dance was just as self-serving as anything Don or Roger have done. Matthew Weiner’s point: we’re all awful. Except Sally — she’s perfect.

But still, “Zou Bisou Bisou.” With Mad Men returning tomorrow, today’s GIFs of the Week is dedicated to Megan.


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