John Oliver Seems To Have A Ball Playfully Sparring With Reporters After His Emmy Win

John Oliver’s Emmy win on Sunday should come as no surprise given the quality of Last Week Tonight since its premiere on HBO. He and a few others have come in the wake of Jon Stewart’s retirement to take the crown from their former home on The Daily Show. So it’s nice to see that even on a night off following his major win, he was still willing to take on the media a bit and have some fun with the reporters backstage.

He kicks it off by getting into it with Network 10’s Angela Bishop from Australia, laughing about his bit on Tony Abbott and how we’re all dealing with Trump’s run for the White House. Most of the reporters seemed more interested in asking about Trump than asking Oliver about his victory, which is likely a bit annoying. But he manages to bring it back to some fun by lamenting the absence of Beyonce at the awards and his comedy career in Britain. He refers to himself in terms of a reverse Beatles situation, where he “systematically failed” in the UK and then had to escape to the United States to make an impact.

He also said he didn’t expect to win because he’s British, that natural state of expecting the worst in life. His entire little rapport with the reporters is very British and that might be the thing that really makes it kinda interesting. Normally these type of things are boring as hell.

(Via Variety)