Wendell Pierce And Rainn Wilson Have Been Engaging In Some Wonderful Saints Vs. Seahawks Twitter Trashtalk

Oh yes. Yes. NFL divisional playoff weekend is almost upon us. And the first game tomorrow kicks off at 3:30 EST with my beloved New Orleans Saints taking on Pete Carroll, the slimeball’s slimeball, and the team he coaches, the vortex of PED use otherwise known as the Seattle Seahawks.

An entertaining byproduct of the matchup has been the jousting between the men who portrayed TV’s Dwight Schrute and Bunk Moreland, Seahawks fan Rainn Wilson and Saints fan Wendell Pierce.

It pains me to admit this, but the link in that last tweet by Wilson effectively served as a mic drop. This bit of Schrute Facts is what waits on the other side…

Score one for the Seahawks and their fans.

That said, here’s my predicition: Saints 27, Seahawks 26. But don’t fret, Seattle fans — you’ll always have Beast Mode.

(Lead images via Shutterstock)