Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog (The CW) – Tonight at 9, the CW will air all three installments of the web series created by Joss Whedon — starring Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion, and Felicia Day — during the 2008 WGA strike. Alan Sepinwall has a lot more info on all this if you’re interested.
Vegas (CBS) – I love how comically evil Michael Chiklis’ character is on this show. Example: At one point in last week’s episode, he discussed evil plans with someone while staring into the shark tank he has in his office. I wouldn’t be surprised if tonight’s episode features a meeting where he sits at the head of the table and calmly pets a white cat.
New Girl/The Mindy Project (Fox) – TV Pitch: The Mandy Project. A semi-fictional version of Barry Manilow (a la Larry David in Curb Your Enthusiasm) writes a musical based on the song “Mandy,” and hijinks ensue as he tries to get it off the ground. Sinbad co-stars as his manager. Eight Emmys, minimum.
Sons of Anarchy (FX) – There’s supposedly a surprise tonight. My guess: Everyone sells their motorcycles and takes up tennis. Exercise is important, gang.
Iconoclasts (Sundance) – James Franco is on with artist Marina Abramovic. I’m gonna set the James Franco Meter for this one at a solid 8.
BET Hip Hop Awards (BET) – This was filmed a while back, which you may remember because Rick Ross and Young Jeezy got into a kerfuffle that may or may not have involved gunshots being fired in the parking lot, and 50 Cent had his own little spat with a Ross protege named “Gunplay.” The line between rap music and professional wrestling is so thin it would tear if you breathed on it. I love it dearly.
Caligula: 1400 Days of Terror (History) – FUN HISTORY FACT: As the story goes, Caligula used to hold huge, lavish dinners for members of the Roman aristocracy, which would have been nice if not for the part where he would get tanked on wine and then force their wives to have sex with him at the table, and he would have people killed if they complained about it (or, sometimes, just because). Something to consider next time you want to bitch about the boring dinner party you went the night before.
LATE NIGHT GUESTS: Will Arnett on Kimmel; Kevin James and Chris Elliot on Letterman; Tyler Perry and Oscar Pistorious on Leno; Christopher Walken and Pete Townshend on Fallon; Ben Affleck on The Daily Show; and Morrissey on Colbert.