If the Giulianis have a family motto, it’s probably something akin to “Live every day like it’s a Looney Tunes cartoon.” Between hosting the press conference of the century next to a dildo shop, the head leak seen ‘round the world, and letting one rip in the midst of a public hearing about voter fraud, family matriarch Rudy Giuliani has been leaning into this mantra over the past couple of years and really showing the rest of the Giuliani clan how it’s done. While the former New York City mayor has set the bar pretty damn high as far as humiliating public gaffes go, Rudy’s son seems eager to prove to his pops that he can be just as embarrassing.
Over the weekend, Andrew Giuliani made some bizarre headlines of his own. On Saturday, the New York Post reported that Giuliani the Younger bravely attempted to step in and break up a fight on the streets of New York, and ended up getting smacked in the face with a flower pot of all things. Andrew, who is running for governor of New York despite getting a total of zero votes in a straw poll last summer, told the Post that he was on his way to a meeting with the head of the New York Young Republicans when he encountered a man and a woman having a vicious argument and decided to insert himself into the middle of their dispute.
“I got between the two of them,” Giuliani told the Post. “He had a flower pot. I think it was intended for her but it hit me on the left side of the face. Thankfully it was a plastic pot and not a clay pot. The soil mostly hit me. But I wan’t expecting it. It was a little bit of a shock.”

Giuliani remembers the woman yelling “you leave me no money, bitch” just before the man attempted to hit her. When Giuliani began dialing 911 for assistance, said man with said flower pot reportedly threatened to “beat the sh*t” out of the gubernatorial wannabe. Presumably, that is when the aforementioned planter connected with Giuliani’s face.
According to the Post, the police arrived about 15 minutes later and filed a report, but no arrests have been made. The paper also included the following paragraph, which has “Pulitzer Prize!” written all over it:
“Locals in the area say the uptick in crime has been noticeable over the last five years. The incident was not far from where a violent perv slashed a man who confronted him about masturbating in front of his wife just days earlier.”
While Giuliani did point out a possible suspect in a photo lineup, he admitted that he wasn’t 100 percent sure it was indeed the man with all the flower power behind his fist. He then turned the moment into a political talking point by admitting that he didn’t expect any more to come of it under new Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s watch, and that his first priority if elected governor would be to remove Bragg. “Any DA which violates their oath of office … I would relieve him of his duties,” Giuliani told the Post.
(Via New York Post)