Oh Great, A Fox News Host Has Already Suggested That President Biden Catching COVID Is ‘Karma’

Welp, that didn’t take long. Within hours of the White House disclosing that President Joe Biden has tested positive for COVID and is experiencing mild symptoms, Fox News host Joey Jones suggested that it was an act of “karma” after Biden made a gaffe about having cancer. Earlier in the week, Biden misspoke and made it sound like he currently has cancer, prompting the White House to quickly clarify that he was referring to his bout with non-melanoma skin cancer from before he took office. Jones decided to connect the moment with Biden’s COVID diagnosis, but even the Fox News host realized mid-rant that his karma theory might not be the best thing to say right now.

“You don’t want to fool with that. You don’t want to put into the universe something like that,” Jones said about Biden’s cancer gaffe before attempting to soften his remarks. Via The Daily Beast:

“I think life comes at you fast! I think when you’re pretending you had cancer one day and you’ve got COVID the next, you might want to recalibrate how you treat things and how you talk,” Jones declared before backpedaling a bit: “But, you know, I don’t wish bad luck on him and I’m not going to say that’s the reason why, just that maybe it’s a good opportunity for him to have a reality check.”

While Jones went off on this particular tangent, the rest of the network surprisingly handled Biden’s COVID diagnosis with tact. During American Newsroom, Fox News anchor Bret Baier and others repeatedly emphasized the importance of the COVID vaccine and touted their role in keeping Biden out of the hospital, unlike Donald Trump’s pre-election bout with COVID that saw him airlifted from the White House over concerns for his oxygen levels.

According to Mediaite, Baier also brought on two medical experts who continued to hammer home the benefits of Biden being vaccinated and double boosted. Clearly, a better approach than the whole karma thing.

(Via The Daily Beast)