Jaden’s Smith’s tweet game is strong. So strong, in fact, that even those of us who might loosely be termed “haters” are going to suffer from not being able to read his oddly inspirational tweets now that he’s quit Twitter. But the ones who are really suffering are his fans, who are freaking out about the fact that their idol will no longer be condensing his thoughts into 140 characters and allowing them to read every capitalized word. (Conspiracy theory: he deleted his account because trying to capitalize anything on a phone is hell.) (Second conspiracy theory: #Illuminati.)
Smith’s unceremonious exit has wrought some fairly dramatic tweets from his fans, and they’re enough to make anyone want to return. And just so you know he’s serious, Smith’s also deleted his Facebook page and made his Instagram private.
People are really, really upset:
did jaden smith delete his twitter please say he didn't because that knocks my reasons to live list down to only 2 things
— WET ARMADILLO (@BauceSauce) May 4, 2015
why did jaden smith leave twitter? my life no longer has meaning
— balthy (@bookstorewhore) May 4, 2015
Like, really, really upset. (But maybe ironically?)
gonna be traumatic when my grandkids ask what it was like to be alive when jaden smith was tweeting & i respond with sobs.
— Desus MF Nice💯 (@desusnice) May 4, 2015
Forget Whedon. Jaden Smith deleted Twitter. Poetry is dead.
— DeShawn (@DeShawnstantine) May 4, 2015
No one yet knows the reason why Smith is gone, but there’s been mention of someone named “Liz” influencing the decision. It could also be because someone recently mistook some random drunk dude for Smith on the red carpet:
I'm drunk and they thought I was jaden smith ok https://t.co/luNJI15CK2
— Adam Waithe (@AdamWaithe) April 30, 2015
Source: Complex