Once upon a time, around the millennium, two Mousketeers were in love and on top of the pop culture world. We adored them, they made music that consistently topped TRL voting, and everything was right in the world. Few power couples were as strong as this union. For Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears were bonded by a lifetime together in show business and a love of high-quality denim:

The “Denim Date,” as it’s come to be known, was carved into the marble of public consciousness 15 years ago today. This cultural artifact, birthed from a visit to the 2001 American Music Awards, is still touching people today. A simple Twitter search shows that even 15 years later, many still reference the iconic moment:
Think about how different the world would be if more followed in the tough-yet-soft path of Justin and Britney:
"This day in 2001, Britney Spears & Justin Timberlake broke up!
.. Wait no, this day in 2001, they wore the denim outfits."
-Overheard at 54— Jennifer Tepper (@jenashtep) January 8, 2016
Yes, people that used to be kids and teens rushed home from school 15 years ago today to catch awards on the family’s tube TV. And they are really feeling it:
Could the denim date only have happened in 2000? In a time when celebrities were able to be themselves, and capture the imagination of a nation/world with coordinated jean everything? Maybe. For now, let’s raise a glass to the Denim Date. May it never die.
(Via E! Online)