Why Is The Indians Bullpen Demanding A 50 Gallon Drum Of Lube’?

Brandon Moss
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Brandon Moss of the Indians hit his 100th career home run on Tuesday night. As is customary whenever a milestone home run is hit, the team will usually send a representative up to the stands to retrieve it so that the player can have it as a keepsake. It just so happens that in this case, however, the ball landed in the Indians’ bullpen, and some of his teammates are now holding it ransom.

The Indians’ Twitter account posted a list of their demands before it can be handed over to its rightful owner.

Moss’ contract pays him $6.5 million this year, so hopefully he will have no problem making good on the Apple products. But as for the 50-gallon drum of lube requested by Marc Rzepczynski? Well, that may be a bit harder to come by.

Any of you have a lube guy? Moss could really use a lube guy.

[via SB Nation]