Steph Curry’s Wife Wrote This Endearing Op-Ed On Raising Riley Right

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In case you haven’t heard, the Curry family is on a world tour of unstoppable cuteness and perfection. Steph and Ayesha, heads of state, are the new Royal Family of basketball. The Jay and Bey of the sports world, if you will.

But it seems some sports writers and irascible curmudgeons are questioning their parenting skills because of how quickly and easily their daughter Riley melted our hearts at a post-game presser. No mind, ’cause Ayesha Queen of Perfect Wives and Moms has a brief, humble answer for them salty salty haters, via TIME.

All the hoopla and excitement of Stephen playing for the Golden State Warriors in the NBA Playoffs has really put our life into perspective. If anything, the attention has brought us closer together and made us realize that through all of this, we need to remain balanced and relaxed, especially in our home with our daughter.

It’s fair to say that the Curry family may not be into this level of glare from the all-powerful spotlight. Nonetheless, Ms. Ayesha Curry would have you know that their parenting is steadfast and dedicated. They have scheduled time for Riley to express herself:

We also do what we can to make sure that non-game days are still regimented. Bedtime routines stay the same, as do daily activities. Riley loves to horseback ride and swim, so we make sure those events don’t change through all of the excitement.

See? They do what they can! Everyone just chill.

Suffice it to say, the Curry family can hear you out there hatin’ from a Bay Area away. It doesn’t move them. They’re geared up for the Finals, for the trials of public judgment, for naysayers and finger-waggers:

Stephen attends practice every day, and gives his all during the games on an almost-nightly basis. When that’s over, all he wants is to see his family, and on the day of that press conference, our daughter wanted to be with her father. I thought it was beautiful for him not to push his daddy duties to the bottom of the list just because all eyes were on him. I believe you should let your children be children, and don’t be afraid to be a parent, regardless of who’s watching.

That means they will be taking no cues from the various nannies looking to shrink their wide circle of joy. What a relief!

(via TIME)