Robert Kirkman Confirmed That The Timeline Of ‘Fear The Walking Dead’ Will Overlap With The Original

What do we know so far about AMC’s new Walking Dead spin-off/companion series, Fear the Walking Dead? Well, we know that its six-episode first series premieres in August, at some point. And we know that it is supposed to be “crazier and more chaotic” than the original, but will not go “full zombie.” And we’ve seen a teeny tiny bit of footage from it. And a few months ago creator Robert Kirkman said the series wouldn’t technically be a prequel, even though it will be starting before the events in episode one of the original. Beyond that, not too much.

But if that’s what we got, let’s roll with it. Entertainment Weekly caught up with Kirkman and got him to elaborate on the whole “not quite a prequel” business.

“I will say that I don’t consider this show to be a prequel to The Walking Dead, because there will be a point where a certain episode of this show will line up with season 2 of The Walking Dead, and a certain episode of this show will line up with season 3 of The Walking Dead. So we will be progressing through time to the point that we do pass the initial days of the outbreak. But how fast it is that we get there? That’s just going to have to remain a mystery.”

A big part of me hopes this means the characters in the new show will spend an entire episode huddled around a television watching the events of the original take place on a live feed on a 24-hour news network. Like, from a helicopter, the way the news covers a riot. A long shot? Sure. But a man can dream.

(Via Entertainment Weekly)