‘Ghostbusters’ Officially Started Shooting In Boston, And Here Are The Set Pics To Prove It

Celebrity Sightings In Boston - June 18, 2015
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As a Ghostbusters fan since childhood, and as someone who’s been hearing since the early ’90s that there might be another movie, only to have my hopes dashed time and time again, this story marks a pretty important milestone in my movie-loving life. Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters movie starring Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon, and Leslie Jones officially started shooting in Boston yesterday, and actual set photos have emerged to prove that this movie is really happening.

Celebrity Sightings In Boston - June 18, 2015
Getty Image

What you see are a couple of photos of Wiig in costume, shooting some exterior shots in Boston, which is standing in for New York City. Vulture has some shots of McCarthy and McKinnon, and it looks like Jones isn’t involved in this scene. The Boston Herald even had a little more insight into the plot:

…Wiig and McCarthy play a pair of unheralded authors who write a book positing that ghosts are real. Flash forward a few years and Wiig lands a prestigious teaching position at Columbia [University]. (Like the original, the story takes place in New York City, even though it’s being shot in Boston.) Which is pretty sweet, until her book resurfaces and she is laughed out of academia.

That’s when the team comes together and are called upon to start ‘busting.

I’m still a little verklempt over this, in a good way. Maybe some of you are still skeptical, but for a girl who has wanted to see something new come out of the Ghostbusters universe for three decades — like a girl dressed as a Ghostbuster — this is a pretty special day.

(Source: Vulture)