John Oliver Took On Revenge Porn And The Online Harassment Of Women

“I’m talking about the kind of direct threats that can make people fear for their safety. And if you’re thinking ‘Well, come on, that doesn’t seem like that big of a problem,’ well then, congratulations on your white penis, because if you have one of those, you probably have a very different experience of the internet.”

This was the quote that kicked off John Oliver’s latest in-depth segment, on the online harassment of women. He took on anonymous threats, revenge porn, and law enforcement’s ineffective response to both to this point. It’s a really good segment, worth watching if you’re a woman who can nod along at all his points, or a man who can take the opportunity to be quiet and listen for a little while. Also, Rob Huebel and Colin Hanks show up to mock old AOL commercials. And someone finally shines a light on John Oliver’s creepy spider fingers. It really has a bit of everything.

(Via YouTube)