Olivia Munn Demonstrates Why She Was Cast In ‘X-Men’ (With Help From Aaron Rodgers)

Olivia Munn is probably best known among nerds for her time on Attack of the Show and to the wider Internet for her sexting ability. So, there was some trepidation on the part of nerds when she was cast as Psylocke in X-Men: Apocalypse. If nothing else, she’s got the sword skills down.

Munn posted a brief display of her sword prowess on Instagram while Aaron Rodgers… well, he’s still got his photobombing skills to fall back on:



It’s too bad she couldn’t do this during The Newsroom; that show desperately needed a few katana fights. Or, for that matter, that she couldn’t have used these skills on a certain director, and spared us X-Men: The Last Stand.

(Via ComingSoon)