Discovery & Catholic Church Team Up for Exorcism Reality Show

Discovery Channel is teaming up with the Catholic Church to create a reality show about exorcisms. With real exorcists. It’ll be kind of like “Ghost Hunters,” but approved by the Vatican. It’s always nice to get the official Catholic Church stamp of the approval, a pleasure that gays and abortion clinics will never know.

The Exorcist Files will recreate stories of real-life hauntings and demonic possession, based on cases investigated by the Catholic Church. The project includes access into the Vatican’s case files, as well as interviews with the organization’s top exorcists — religious experts who are rarely seen on television.

“The Vatican is an extraordinarily hard place to get access to, but we explained we’re not going to try to tell people what to think,” says Discovery president and GM Clark Bunting. [Inside TV]

Yeah, don’t try to tell people what to think, television! That’s religion’s job!
