Morning Links: Captain Morgan, Oregon Trail, & NPR Dog

Weather permitting, I’m off to Dallas to bother famous people and make videos with Captain Morgan and Marisa Miller. I’ll be checking in as much as possible, but in the meantime the fantastic Brandon Stroud will be delivering your TV news. Play nice with him.

CAPTAIN MORGAN IS YOUR NEW GOD. The Cap’n will be tweeting on the With Leather Twitter feed and in general be all up in the Uproxx business for the next 3-4 days. I’ll do everything in my power to make it enjoyable for you. [With Leather]

Praise the Lord! Oregon Trail is coming to Facebook. [Gamma Squad, image via dernwerks]

Baby sloths vs. classic literature: WHO YA GOT? Baby sloths all day, every day. [UPROXX]

‘A bloody mess of idiocy.’ NBC’s “The Cape is the stupidest best show on TV. [UPROXX]

Surprise, surprise. Strangely enough, the crazy ratings and buzz generated by Ricky Gervais has led the Golden Globes to ask him to host again. Go figure. [FilmDrunk]

Buster in the model home with the hook hand! The “Arrested Development” Clue game. [Pleated Jeans]

There is no scientific evidence that says vegetarians have better sex. The new desperate plea for attention from PETA has beautiful models fellating vegetables. As a good-looking person, it makes me pray that I never have a daughter who aspires to be a model, because this video is twice as sad as animals dying. [BuzzFeed]

What the hell? I dig the notion of a “Charlie Sheen Escape from Rehab” game, but why do bags of cocaine slow him down? [ScreenJunkies]

But Tom Arnold seems so cool! Back in 1990, “Roseanne” executive producer Jeff Harris took an ad out in Variety to deliver an “F you” to the headaches on the show’s staff. [Letters of Note]

(NPR dog via hipster puppies)