Guhhhh… Charlie Sheen News

Well, it finally happened: I reached the tipping point for Charlie Sheen media saturation today. The good news is that it means I no longer have any desire to write about Sheen. The bad news is that, because I react to the news cycle, I still feel compelled to occasionally write about him. So here are today’s/this weekend’s news bullets:

  • Sheen doesn’t operate his Twitter account. The two million people following Sheen on Twitter are getting Sheen’s bon mots via a “tweet master.” NOTE: I unfollowed Sheen today; it felt fantastic. [Radar]
  • Charlie was on UStream this weekend. Sheen shot some Internet video two nights this weekend, and I didn’t watch any of it. But he apparently said stuff like this: “All I’m saying is this: I want to deliver some sh*t,” he said. “I want to deliver it in a way that is f*cking in the epicenter of how I deliver things, which is perfect and truthful and radical and in your face, so far in your face it grabs your teeth and shoves it in your freaking throat. And you’re like, ‘oh, what a lovely little snack.'” [TV Tattle]
  • Headline of the day: “Poll: Charlie Sheen Is Not Winning.” The results from a poll say that people hate Charlie Sheen and don’t want to read about him. So, y’know… I decided to write a story about it. Sorry. [Inside TV]
  • Charlie Sheen Auto-Tune Remix. Didn’t I already post a Sheen auto-tune video? Maybe, it’s hard to keep track of everything. If I did already post such a video, this one is different and better. [Urlesque]
  • Fluent in Sheenglish: Analysis of Sheen’s speech shows that he was last aware of his surroundings shortly after watching Point Break and a “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” marathon in 1992. [Slate]

There. That’s everything I felt like rounding up today. Now let’s get the crowd’s reaction…