Charlie Sheen Made a Surprise Appearance on Kimmel

Charlie Sheen interrupted Mark Cuban’s appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” last night, and the ol’ F-18 surprised me by not being quite as insane as during his epic run of WINNING that got him fired from “Two and a Half Men.” I mean, sure, he’s still Charlie Sheen, Hooker Aficionado and Banger of 7-Gram Rocks, but in this appearance he was clear and coherent — more charmingly unhinged than dangerously unhinged; more Robin Williams than Jim Jones.

You can see for yourself in the video below, though you should be warned that it’s not much more than Sheen accepting applause and handing out T-shirts with his now-famous quotes. I have to admit, the kitten with tiger’s blood is kinda cute, and it makes me think that this whole meltdown was just an elaborate ploy to sell T-shirts. Because that’s much more lucrative than $2 million an episode for acting in a sitcom.

(As for the rumors that CBS wants Sheen to return to the “Men,” I’ll dignify that with a story if and when it seems like a realistic possibility on this planet.)