Ugh: A Betty White Prank Show

I really hope this is an early April Fool’s prank: NBC has greenlit “Betty White’s Off Their Rockers,” a hidden-camera prank show hosted by the venerable octogenarian in which elderly actors play pranks on young people. And what better way to celebrate this occasion by showing you canned quotes from the press release:

Known throughout Europe as Benidorm Bastards, Betty White’s Off Their Rockers follows a band of seven senior citizens who make it their mission to play pranks on unsuspecting younger people. “Betty White is a comedic genius who escalates hilarity in any situation,” said Paul Telegdy, NBC’s EVP Alternative Programming. “Viewers will thoroughly enjoy watching her pull one over on the unsuspecting youth of America.”

‪Said White, “People have been telling me that I’m ‘Off My Rocker’ for years — now I can prove it.” [Deadline]

Great. As if we needed another reason to dislike old people. “Ha ha ha, you got me there, Betty. It’s funny because I thought that old person was helpless and suffering from dementia.”