Russia Has Responsible Children’s Programming

Pictured here is Russian singer Angina (pronounced with a hard “G” sound, unlike the heart condition). The image above contains screen caps from a performance on what appears to be a Russian children’s show, and you can watch the jiggle-riffic video below. It’s by no means a new video (uploaded in 2008), but it’s definitely worth watching once or twice or forty-seven times.

Perhaps this is just my puritanical American upbringing speaking, but maybe it isn’t wise to have a large-chested, tongue-pierced pop star dancing sexily while surrounded by a group of young, impressionable girls who happen to be eye-level with Angina’s hypnotic, barely-clothed breasts. I mean, unless you want a generation of strippers and mail-order brides with a taste for terrible Euro dance pop. I’m certainly cool with it if Russian parents are.