Netflix Is Now Bigger than Comcast

As the worlds of television and Internet slowly commingle and have freaky sex and produce mutant babies like Hulu, it’s unclear exactly which media companies will emerge from the technological revolution intact. But this much is certain: Netflix is kicking ass, boasting more subscribers than both Showtime and Comcast.

Netflix Inc. said Monday it now has 23.6 million customers thanks to a major first-quarter growth spurt that pushed the online video and DVD service past traditional subscription entertainment powerhouses such as Showtime and Comcast…

Netflix, which is transitioning from its origins as a DVD-by-mail company to one that offers online streaming video of movies and TV shows, has increasingly become a powerful force in the distribution of digital entertainment. The company recently won the exclusive rights to offer past episodes of the AMC network’s popular “Mad Men” series and outbid competitors for the rights to a new series called “House of Cards” from executive producer David Fincher. [SF Chron]

Netflix insists that it’s a “supplemental channel” — that is, more a competitor to Showtime and HBO than to Comcast or the assclowns at Time Warner — but the fact that they’ve gone from mailing DVDs to magically procuring TV shows through your XBox is a sign that it’s not too late to buy Netflix stock. Or to swear allegiance to them as future overlords.