Paz de la Huerta Is Actually Wearing Clothes For Once (Kind Of)

Whether Paz de la Huerta is modeling, assaulting women in night clubs, attending awards show parties, or portraying Atlantic City showgirl Lucy Danziger on “Boardwalk Empire,” the one thing she always manages to do is expose her naked body in some regard. That’s what makes Esquire’s newest Me In My Place feature so bittersweet: it combines a woman who’s always naked with a photographer who takes lots of pictures of naked women, and delivers something that’s only PG-13. Dammit! Why must it be so hard to find pictures of naked women on the Internet?!?
Anyway, because this TV blog is dedicated to hard-hitting TV news, I’ll point out that de la Huerta did give us some insight into her “Boardwalk” character for Season 2.

Lucy is a very complicated woman — like most women — and a lot of the time she was very lost in her relationship with Nucky. She was in love with him, but she didn’t know how to be herself in that relationship fully and have him love her. So sometimes she would use her sexuality to protect herself or to get what she wanted. Not that she’s not a sexy character — and in Season One of course it’s a part of her, but audiences are going to see more of the real her. It’s going to be very different.

So there you go. Season 2 will be different. With that out of the way, let’s get to the pictures. On the following slides are my favorite pictures from the shoot (click the photos for full size). You can also view the full selection at Esquire’s ad-riddled slideshow or at the occasionally NSFW