‘Torchwood: Miracle Day’ Features Explosions, Terrible Mothers

There are many things on television I have a hard time taking seriously. Science fiction is one of them. British shows are another. And original series from Starz, for sure. So there’s almost a zero percent chance that I could like a British science fiction show on Starz, and yet the trailer for “Torchwood: Miracle Day” (embedded below) still managed to win me over.

The concept is cool: people all over the world stop dying, and the Torchwood team is called up to investigate the phenomenon. Admittedly, a lot of the dialogue in this video is atrocious, and Bill Pullman as a hardened criminal is laughable, but there’s a lot of cool stuff, too: explosions; impalings; burned and dismembered bodies; and a woman holding a baby in one hand while firing a pistol with the other. You just don’t see that every day. Unless you live in Alabama.

“Torchwood” premieres July 8th.

[via EW]