Bad Idea Links: Feeding a Great White Shark By Hand

What could possibl-eye go wrong? This Australian TV clip of a woman hand-feeding a great white shark creeps me the F out. [The Daily What]

CUPCAKE ORGY! A gallery of elaborate cupcakes to stimulate our chubby readers. [Uproxx]

Trailer: Yep, it’s a ‘Facts of Life’ porn parody. Props to Vince for landing his first porn-related exclusive. The first of many, I can only assume. [

It never gets old: dogs playing poker. [pandapuzzle]

These women throw like girls. Avril Lavigne and other female celebrities throwing out opening pitches. Victoria Beckham’s is particularly shameful. [With Leather]

20 of the Greatest Flash Mobs Ever Conducted. Oh, I didn’t realize that 20 different flash mobs had fallen off a cliff. [Uproxx]

The KSK Sex/Fantasy Football Mailbag. Dating unemployed people sucks, according to me. [Kissing Suzy Kolber]

George Lucas Strikes Back. Entirely believable fake trailer: George Lucas was kidnapped twenty years ago and replaces with an impostor bent on destroying our childhood memories. [Gamma Squad]

Spanish TV Host Rips Off Woman’s Dress. Entirely, delightfully NSFW. If you only watch one TV clip of a hot topless Hispanic woman with breast implants bouncing around today, make it this one. [BuzzFeed]

‘The Event’ may get a miniseries on Syfy. So it can get not watched on a different channel. [Deadline]

What it’s like to direct ‘The Daily Show.’ Dude, I’m totally qualified for the dog-petting aspect. [Atlantic Wire]

Friday GIF:

(via fckyeahdementia)