Fun With the New ‘2.5 Men’ Ads

Here’s the first ad for “Two and a Half Men” with Ashton Kutcher in place of Charlie Sheen. I Photoshopped out the dumb wiener kid — whatshisface, Augustus T. Gloop or something — and put in Fatcat, because I don’t like Gloop’s face and Fatcat has better acting skills. I think “Two Men and a Cat” is a more interesting premise for a show, anyway, but you can click on the inset image to see the real ad.
Jame Hibberd at EW adds:

I’m told CBS and Warner Bros. will likely end up using this ad a few different ways — changing the text on the sign for different messages.

Change the text on the sign for different messages? DON’T MIND IF I DO!

I changed the font from Helvetica to Comic Sans. I think that’s more likely to resonate with “Two and a Half Men’s” audience.