Site News: Going to California

Hello, beautiful readers. By the time this post goes live, I’ll be en route to Los Angeles for the weekend. “Oohhh,” you might be saying, “are you going to go to some of the Television Critics Association stuff happening this weekend?” No, of course not. That would require someone to hold my opinions about TV in some kind of esteem.

I’ll be at the CrossFit Games in Carson for the next couple days, watching insanely fit people struggle to complete impossibly difficult workouts (I intend to recline in a chaise longue and eat an ice cream cone as close to the athletes as possible). I’ll be back next week, and while I’m gone I’ll try to take some pictures and video to post to With Leather. Or if that’s too long to be away from me, you can always follow me on Twitter.

In the meantime, I’ve left you in the capable hands of Burnsy, RoboPanda, Danger Guerrero, and Josh Kurp. I’ve left them with instructions to “be awesome, but not so awesome that I seem replaceable.” I’ll be around a little bit on Monday and back in full swing on Tuesday. Play nice and leave lots of comments.