Jersey Shore's Italian House: a Las Vegas Bordello's Version of Italy

The Italy season of “Jersey Shore” debuts this Thursday, and MTV’s Remote Control blog has published the first pictures of the house that was doubtlessly defiled by gallons of hair gel, body spray, and every bodily fluid imaginable. I stared at these pictures for a long time before I could figure out what influenced the interior design. The Russian mob? The Caligula set? Then it hit me: that shiny, ersatz neo-contemporary Renaissance vibe looks just like the Venetian in Las Vegas. Like, instead of making it look authentically Italian, they asked someone who’d never left New Jersey what “Italian” might look like. Bada bing! Light-up Virgin Mary statuette in the bedroom.
Which is to say: it’s perfect for “Jersey Shore.” Click through for more pictures.

I suspect that the local chlorine dealer can now retire.
That floral print was delivered via wormhole directly from 1964.
Oy, is that a light-up Virgin Mary statuette? Well, at least it’s not a black light.
The bidet is especially helpful in a house with so many waxed genitals.
AY! It’s where dey make-a da pizza pie!