David Letterman Threatened By Jihadists

According to a group that tracks extremist websites, David Letterman has been targeted by an online jihadist group. From The Hollywood Reporter:

The CBS late-night host was threatened by a frequent online commenter who called on Muslims to kill Letterman after being upset that the on-air personality made a slashing motion across his neck while discussing the death of senior al-Qaida member Ilyas Kashmiri, the NY Daily News reports.

The poster, who goes by the name Umar al-Basrawi, reportedly wrote “Is there not amongst you a Sayyid Nosair al-Masri (may Allah release him) to cut the tongue of this lowly Jew and shut it forever. Just as Sayyid (may Allah release him) did with the Jew Kahane.”

Letterman is not of Jewish decent.

Ok. Three things:

1) If there’s one thing I hate, it’s a lazy jihadist. You couldn’t take 60 seconds and Google Letterman’s religion? Come on, guy.

2) The title of the page the THR story is on is “David Letterman Becomes A Jihadist Target,” but they shortened it for the web address to “david-letterman-becomes-a-jihadist.” Which, quite frankly, would be a MUCH bigger story.

3) I don’t see the point of threatening comedians like Letterman or the “South Park” guys. Don’t jihadists have much bigger fish to fry? I understand it’s not awesome to have jokes made at your expense, whether they be real or perceived, but I’ll never understand why you’d need to call for someone’s death over it. Then again, the word “extreme” is right there in “extremist,” so, you know, there’s that. Regardless, all the best to Dave.