Last Friday, Lena Dunham joined Taylor Swift and a bunch of her model friends on stage for her 1989 World Tour in East Rutherford, N.J. (as we mentioned previously, that’s as close as she came to New York City). Typically, Dunham is very comfortable in her own skin, as anyone who has ever watched an episode of Girls can attest.
However, during a discussion with Judd Apatow at the Film Society of Lincoln Center last night, she said she didn’t feel 100 percent comfortable standing next to a bunch of tall, beautiful people on stage in front of thousands of people, for some weird reason.
Cosmopolitan, which was in attendance at Monday’s event, writes:
I was so thrilled to support my friend, and so displeased to learn about the truth of my own height. I’ve been feeling pretty tall, feeling pretty sturdy, and it was amazing to me, like, ‘Oh, I’m not tall, I’m chubby.’ It’s different. But I mean, on most days I feel really great and fine about my body, but I don’t think standing next to, like, three supermodels or so is anything even the most confident woman needs to do. And when I socialize with those women, which I’ve done a little bit, because they’re good friends of Taylor’s, who is a good friend of mine, I don’t feel so strange. But the minute I caught sight of myself in the Jumbotron, I knew something was very wrong.
Dunham has been documenting her journey into physical fitness on Instagram over the past several months and is looking great, but I can’t blame her. No mere mortal woman wants to be seen standing next to a bunch of genetically superior alien-people, as Apatow later compared them to.
Under normal circumstances, I think of myself as a person of reasonable attractiveness, but if I saw myself on a jumbotron with a bunch of supermodels, my brain would probably retreat to a happy place, and later I’d photoshop a picture of a potato over myself for social media. I’d say Dunham handled it pretty well, comparatively.
(Via Cosmopolitan)