Whoa, ‘Luther’ Looks Pretty Metal

The second mini-season of the BBC’s acclaimed “Luther” aired in the U.K. this summer, and it will debut on BBC America on September 28th. Idris Elba (Stringer Bell from “The Wire”) stars as Detective Chief Inspector John Luther, a brilliant cop whose obsession with his work drags him down into the immoral muck of the crimes he tries to solve.

And I have to say, judging by the trailer below, it looks to be about as metal as British television can get. A quick rundown of the stats in the trailer:

  • Cups of tea: zero
  • Scones: zero
  • Crumpets: zero
  • Instances of a bad guy nailing Luther’s hand to a table: 1

This is a step in the right direction, England. You might even be a badass country one day if you just relax your gun laws and education standards. Trust me, it’s worth it. *lights illegal fireworks*