‘Real Housewife’ Leaves Husband for Journey Guitarist

Good news for former White House party crasher Tareq Salahi: his wife, former “Real Housewives of D.C.” cast member Michaele, has NOT been kidnapped as he originally feared. The bad news: she left him for Journey guitarist Neal Schon. From the LA Times:

Tareq reported Michaele missing very late Tuesday night, telling law enforcement that his wife had been gone for six hours, the North Virginia Daily reported. She’d called him from a cellphone with an Oregon number, he said, to tell him she was fine and on her way to her mom’s house… The former house-husband of D.C. told NBC that his wife’s “cryptic” behavior during the call made him think she was trying to convey a message to him in code.

She was. That coded message? “Welcome to Dumpsville. Population: you.”

It seems Michaele had actually run off with Journey lead guitarist Neal Schon in Tennessee on Wednesday, according to TMZ, which got confirmation from the band’s rep that “nobody kidnapped her and they are in Memphis together.” […] It was what the missus called an “intimate and passionate relationship,” the celeb website said.

Ouch. Tough break for Tareq. My advice to him: Don’t stop believin’ that your wife got kidnapped. HOLD ON TO THAT FEEL-AYYYYY-INNNNNN’.