You Had Me at Corgis.

Okay, this is a lot to process. The video below aired during the “MAD” sketch show on Cartoon Network, and it is a dizzying assault of memes. At its core, it’s a battle between the new Thundercats and Dogfort characters, but along the way there’s a lot of impact font and lolcats and ragetoons and other memes. It all makes perfect sense to me, but normal people — that is, people who don’t spend 12 hours a day on Tumblr and Reddit and Uproxx — will be absolutely baffled by it.

But that’s all moot. I’m just posting the video because Lobster Dog was finally on TV, as a cloned foot soldier in the Dogfort army. Oh man, can you imagine a platoon of Lobster Dogs? I can. I dream about it every night.

[The Daily What via reddit]