‘Bones’ Star: Banging That Slut Helped My Marriage

Last year, “Bones” star David Boreanaz admitted to an affair with professional hussy Rachel Uchitel before Tiger Woods made it the cool way to wreck your marriage. Notably, Boreanaz worked things out with wife Jaime Bergman (1999, NSFW), who seems way cooler than Elin Nordegren. That Swedish broad never even got naked for us.

Anyway, not only was banging Uchitel an awesome change of pace from being married to a boring ol’ Playmate, it also strengthened Boreanaz’s marriage. Everyone wins!

[Boreanaz] tells TV Week that his affair has been “a bonding experience, in the long run… In a sacred ground like marriage, you find yourself out of it at certain times for reasons unknown that can be destructive,” the 42-year-old actor explains. “There could be a demon that kind of comes out and overtakes you.” [Us]

“Baby, it wasn’t my fault! I was overtaken by my rock-hard erec– er, a demon! Yeah, that’s it! A demon.” Man, it must be awesome to be rich and famous and handsome.