Freewheelin’ Morning Links Featuring ‘MST3K’ and Fat Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

It’s never the wrong time to highlight a “Mystery Science Theater 3000” clip. This one’s from the “Santa Claus Conquers the Martians” episode, and it’s begging to be made into a Sandusky tribute video.

The Five Most Awesome Games On a Graphing Calculator — God, if Pokémon Stadium had been on my graphing calculator in middle school, I would have failed the sh*t out of math class. Y’know, instead of failing with 64, which I did. (Gamma Squad)

Do The Source Magazine’s 5 Mics Still Matter? — I still don’t think Dr. Dre’s 2001 deserved its Five Mic critical reevaluation (it was originally given 4.5). Only Built 4 Cuban Linx…, though, well, that should gotten a perfect score the first time ’round. (Smoking Section)

Guns, Horses, & Insecurities: Reporting From the Set of True Grit XXX — “From the buttons to the pubic hair, I’m assured that everything is as if we were really boning in the late-1800′s.” (Film Drunk)

Adele’s Official Tour Rider Is Full of Smokey, Boozy, Chocolatey Win — I want to be famous, so I can have a tour rider. I would request only the finest foods and drinks, like a Twix bar minus the chocolate exterior and diet ginger ale, which is surprisingly difficult to find. (Uproxx)

MTV Used FatBooth On The Victoria’s Secret AngelsTransformers 3: Dark of the Moon would have been much more interesting if it had pitted Megatron vs. Fat Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. (Uproxx)

The Shaun White Sex Scandal You’ve Been Waiting For — The “Flying Tomato” is probably the name of a sex move already, so this just fills in the blank. And something else, too. (With Leather)

Ranking Television’s 10 Best Boobs — But not the kind of boobs you’re thinking of. Unless they are, in which case, you’re welcome? I guess. (Pajiba)

Classic Album Covers Come to Life With Google Streetview — A few years ago, I went to the street where the Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan cover was shot and tried to figure out exactly where he stood in the road. I regret nothing. (The FW)