Fox is moving ahead with a speed-dating game show this summer called “Take Me Out,” based on a British game show of the same name. Basically, it’s a show that will cruelly allow men and women to make snap judgements of other men and women based on the amount of product in their hair and cheesy lines scripted by game-show producers. According to Deadline:
“Take Me Out” features a “Flirty 30″ panel consisting of 30 good-looking single women. Every week, the women meet several bachelors who try impress them with their looks, personality and sense of humor. Each woman stands at a lighted podium with a switch: if she likes the bachelor, she keeps her light on; if not, she turns it off. The game show is held in 4 rounds. After the women narrow down their field to those interested in the guy on stage, the man takes charge, turning out the lights of those ladies he’s not into. During the final round, the bachelor will pose one final question to the two remaining women before choosing the winner. The new couple will then be whisked away on a romantic fantasy date.
Wow! So, basically, they’re reducing dating to some sort of robotic, assembly-line procedure. Really, at this point, network television is working toward a dating show called “Just the Tip,” in which a line of naked men insert their tip for 20 seconds into each of a line of naked women. The most compatible penis will be awarded the opportunity to finish the deal in front of a live, and judgmental, studio audience.
Coming soon to the Fox Network!
Here’s a gander at the British version.