TV GIFs of the Week

In lieu of an actual intro:

“The North Cafeteria, named after Admiral William North, is located in the western portion of East Hall, gateway to the western half of North Hall, which is named, not after William North, but for its position above the South Wall. It is the most contested and confusing battlefield on Greendale’s campus, next to the English Memorial Spanish Center, named after English Memorial, a Portuguese sailor that discovered Greendale while looking for a fountain that cured syphilis.”

I was dying. My favorite post-hiatus “Community” episode by far. And now, GIFs.

His face says, “Fu*k you.” His claps…also say, “Fuc*k you.” (Via)

Don’t mind her; she’s just eating her feelings. (Via)

“Bob’s Burgers” also gets the multiple GIF honor this week. Sunday’s episode was fantastic. (Via)

As voiced by Aziz. (Via)


More here.

Roger might be one of my 10 favorite characters on TV right now. (Via)

And so went another season of “Californication.” (Via)

Make outtttttttttt. (Via)

More here.

Those are a lovely bunch of coconuts. (Via)


Happy Passover everyone. (Via)

Hi, “Bent.” Bye, “Bent.” (Via)

No, you are, Emma. (Via)

It seems like we have a decent amount of “Psych” fans reading WG, so I’ll try to include more GIFs from it. Same goes for scenes featuring Hungry Hungry Hippos. (Via)

For a photo recap of the episode, including Dan Harmon hanging out in the syphilis fountain, click here. (Via)





