Finally, A Drug to Alleviate Symptoms from ‘Arrested Development’ Withdrawal

It’s been six long years since the last episode of “Arrested Development” aired. That’s long enough for most of us to have gotten over the addiction. Unfortunately, over that period, Mitch Hurwitz and company have refused to let the addiction symptoms subside, tempting us all along with the possibility of a new shipment of drugs episodes.

The good news, of course, is that Netflix has picked up a fourth season. The better news? All ten episodes of the fourth season of “Arrested Development” will be released simultaneously. Awesome, right? Not so fast. It’s like promising a crack addict ten rocks that he can have ALL AT ONCE, but setting no timetable on their arrival. What do we do? We rock in a corner mumbling something incoherent about magicians and bananas, and we wait, praying that the withdrawal doesn’t kill us before we finally get our fix.

Fortunately, now there’s a new drug on the market now: Bluthex. This little blue drug is the perfect thing to combat your “Arrested Development” anxiety. STEVE HOLT!

(Source: Buzzfeed)