Jennifer Love Hewitt Discusses the Sparkly Secret in Her Pants with Conan

Last night on “Conan,” Jennifer Love Hewitt — the “Client List” handjob retailer and the most consistently attractive star of the 90s — spent a full five minutes discussing vajazzling, the art of bejeweling your bajingo. It was an enlightening interview, so enlightening in fact, that I’m pretty sure that JLoHo is being paid by the bajillion dollar Vajazzler industry. During the course of the interview, several useful synonyms for vagina were also used, like “Hoo Ha,” “Sweet Lady,” “Sparkly Secret in Your Pants,” and for the bejeweled variety, “A Silver Mine.”

In case you’re curious, should you ever venture into Jennifer Love Hewitt’s nether region, she vajazzles “all the time.” “Lots of women do,” she said. “It’s fun to just walk around and just think that no one has any idea how shiny it is down there.” Wouldn’t it be easier to strap on a flashlight?

Here’s the entire interview, which features some fantastic reaction shots from both Conan and Andy, as well as JLoHo’s facejazzling of Conan.