Margaret Cho Talked About People Getting Pissed At Her Portrayal Of A North Korean At The Globes

Margaret Cho was a guest on Seth Meyers last night, who served as a writer for the 72nd Golden Globes earlier this year, where — as you may recall — Cho also made a cameo in full costume as a North Korean general sent on behalf of the North Korean Hollywood Foreign Press. Cho made the appearance at the behest of Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, whom she says you never turn down, but she wasn’t expecting the backlash that it ignited.

Cho says that, strangely, a lot of white people were offended by her portrayal of a North Korean, because… she’s Korean? I don’t know. She chalks it up to the fact that “white people like to tell Asian people how to feel about race, because they’re too scared to tell black people.” Makes as much sense as anything, I guess.